
Mass termination based on race

Termination based on race Yesterday at a company called Abbott, located 1 Brozzini Court, Greenville. At the end of the shift everyone was told that the majority was going to be fired. That we would get a call from our staffing agency to let us know if we would come July 1st. I was material handler lead for 1st shift and the production manager told me a few hours before the shift ended to go to every table and have ALL the SPANISH workers write down their names. He said he needed fast and good workers to continue on with the new project. Also, not to say anything to anyone else that isnt Spanish and to just keep the conversation in Spanish. The plant was about 45% Black, 50% Spanish and 5% White. I got a call yesterday from my staffing that my contract was terminated but i decided to…

Termination based on race

Yesterday at a company called Abbott, located 1 Brozzini Court, Greenville. At the end of the shift everyone was told that the majority was going to be fired. That we would get a call from our staffing agency to let us know if we would come July 1st. I was material handler lead for 1st shift and the production manager told me a few hours before the shift ended to go to every table and have ALL the SPANISH workers write down their names. He said he needed fast and good workers to continue on with the new project. Also, not to say anything to anyone else that isnt Spanish and to just keep the conversation in Spanish.
The plant was about 45% Black, 50% Spanish and 5% White.
I got a call yesterday from my staffing that my contract was terminated but i decided to go today and just talk to the 1st shift supervisor. He didnt want to speak to me, just had someone else tell me the same…that my contract was terminated. Being in the plant today, i would say 95% were Spanish and 5% was between Black and White.

I know that SC is a right to work state but it was a terrible thing to not let anyone know in advance…not even a few days before. Also, firing and just keeping people based on race/color and not in performance.

Never missed a day of work and was late once in 7 monthsI. I hurt myself at work, i believe i have tendinitis on my left wrist but kept trying to be a good employee and not cause trouble. They were aware that i had it because i always came with bandages

Because of the unfair treatment to me and everyone else, i do want to know what i can do. I Dont have a job, i need something that at least pays 20 ( i was making 23) can legal action be taken for injury at work or anything else, etc?

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