
May have accidentally stole from work?

Hi all, Just a quick background: I work at a salon where we pull tips from a drawer when customers leave a tip on their card. Today I was informed that a stylist was missing a $35 tip by my manager. She didn’t outright accuse me of stealing but she wanted an explanation. I was shocked! I had no idea what could have happened to it as every stylist checked their envelopes to no avail and the drawer balanced so it must have been pulled. I remembered I broke a $100 of my own money in the drawer and now I am freaking out because I’m worried I may have set the stylists tip on the table and accidentally put it back in my wallet along with the broken cash. I would never steal tips from stylist or anyone! I feel horrible but this is the only explanation I can…

Hi all,

Just a quick background: I work at a salon where we pull tips from a drawer when customers leave a tip on their card.

Today I was informed that a stylist was missing a $35 tip by my manager. She didn’t outright accuse me of stealing but she wanted an explanation. I was shocked! I had no idea what could have happened to it as every stylist checked their envelopes to no avail and the drawer balanced so it must have been pulled.

I remembered I broke a $100 of my own money in the drawer and now I am freaking out because I’m worried I may have set the stylists tip on the table and accidentally put it back in my wallet along with the broken cash. I would never steal tips from stylist or anyone! I feel horrible but this is the only explanation I can think of.

My manger tried to get into the cameras to check the time to see what I did but was unable to. I’m now so worried because if she is able to get into them they will see me breaking cash and putting cash into my wallet. I had absolutely no intention of doing this, and the stylist still got paid from the salons’ other cash storage.

She said they will cover it for this time but it will be documented in my folder so if it happens in the future I will need to pay. I offered cash several times to makeup for it but they wouldn’t take it. I texted the stylist my self and profusely apologized and she assured me she was still paid and not to worry about it.

I feel absolutely awful and embarrassed if this is what happened but as of right now there is no way to prove it. This is absolutely not an excuse, but I am 19 and my semester in college just started I was feeling over stressed and overwhelmed yesterday so I probably made a sloppy mistake at work.

Can I get in any legal trouble for this? Does anyone have any advice? Thank you on advance!

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