
Maybe basic question, but why aren’t managers being employed by laborers rather than the other way around?

Why is a top-down system where one person controls many people better? Do Co-ops do this? A question for surviving capitalism, I guess. I'd think that a manager's responsibilities should have a check anyway, so I don't see how the person making recommendations for hiring and firing, performance review, feedback, interviewing, scheduling, and reporting must also have absolute authority? Isn't this sort of what unions have forced into existence anyway with union representation? Am I wrong or did I just finally stumble upon a nonsensical class battle where more cooperative schemes are disfavored because the person at the top just wants as much control as possible?

Why is a top-down system where one person controls many people better? Do Co-ops do this? A question for surviving capitalism, I guess.

I'd think that a manager's responsibilities should have a check anyway, so I don't see how the person making recommendations for hiring and firing, performance review, feedback, interviewing, scheduling, and reporting must also have absolute authority?

Isn't this sort of what unions have forced into existence anyway with union representation? Am I wrong or did I just finally stumble upon a nonsensical class battle where more cooperative schemes are disfavored because the person at the top just wants as much control as possible?

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