
me and my colleagues disagreement

So me and my colleague have worked at the same unit for around a year and at the beginning he was very much the golden worker. He was in at 7am every morning and there till 7/8 most evenings. I however started at half 8 and finished at 5. He worked his ass off everyday and was very productive. Me on the other hand have never been in that mindset. I've always done the bare minimum at work to keep my bosses happy. We used to disagree over workloads and how much effort he put in. Recently. He's seen the light. He realises he is putting in way to much work for the amount we are paid. He's now starting to see the light and we have decided when we both come back off our holidays ( separate ) we are going to talk to my boss separately and if…

So me and my colleague have worked at the same unit for around a year and at the beginning he was very much the golden worker. He was in at 7am every morning and there till 7/8 most evenings. I however started at half 8 and finished at 5. He worked his ass off everyday and was very productive. Me on the other hand have never been in that mindset. I've always done the bare minimum at work to keep my bosses happy. We used to disagree over workloads and how much effort he put in. Recently. He's seen the light. He realises he is putting in way to much work for the amount we are paid. He's now starting to see the light and we have decided when we both come back off our holidays ( separate ) we are going to talk to my boss separately and if they don't give us a pay increase. We are both leaving as we are both hard workers and we have both seen the light that we deserve better pay. My boss isn't a bad person honestly but they severely underpay us both whereas my boss turns up to work in a 100k bmw and we both have nice cars from the naughties. I'm so glad he has seen the light. I'm not sure what the point of this story is. I just want to show anyone in this subreddit. If you have a Co worker who works hard and is underpaid. Show them the light and they will find the trail themselves 🙂

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