
Mental Health Mentions

I've noticed several posts that mention mental health, and I genuinely want help to understand this topic more. Howdy – first, let me say that I am not trolling with this post. I really enjoy this sub and have found it very useful to understand the needs of employees who report to me, as well as providing me with ideas on how to offer them greater flexibility. A little about me, and I promise this post isn't about me; rather, this is background on where I'm coming from. I'm in my mid-thirties, working in analytics, and have the personality to match my occupation I have a bad case of ADHD, love what I do, and work about 60 hours a week. Like all jobs, I have busy periods (sometimes months) that push me to the limit; however, I've never had a job impact my mental health other than feeling more…

I've noticed several posts that mention mental health, and I genuinely want help to understand this topic more.

Howdy – first, let me say that I am not trolling with this post. I really enjoy this sub and have found it very useful to understand the needs of employees who report to me, as well as providing me with ideas on how to offer them greater flexibility.

A little about me, and I promise this post isn't about me; rather, this is background on where I'm coming from. I'm in my mid-thirties, working in analytics, and have the personality to match my occupation I have a bad case of ADHD, love what I do, and work about 60 hours a week. Like all jobs, I have busy periods (sometimes months) that push me to the limit; however, I've never had a job impact my mental health other than feeling more tired and stressed out.

My management style… Although I work a lot, I do not set this expectation for members of my team. If the work is being done, I could not care less how long they spent on each item, try to stay out of people's way, and have an open-door policy when it comes to questions.
Getting to the point, the concept of a job impacting mental health is completely foreign to me, and I have the following questions:

  1. What can I do as a boss to foster a healthy environment where my team can thrive (not just in the workplace)?

  2. Are there any telltale signs that work is negatively impacting someone's mental health, and is it my place (as a boss) to try to help?

  3. Would anyone be willing to share a personal story to help me relate?

Feel free to answer some/all or downvote me into oblivion. I look forward to the comments.

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