
Mental health start ups aren’t any different

No matter how much capitalism wants to spin giving a shit about people’s mental health and building start-ups with mental health in mind, it’s all a fucking lie. I work for a start-up looking to help therapists “be therapists” but the degradation, emotional manipulation and burn out is insane. I can’t share too much info because SEO shit would actually get you to their website page. Been working 60 hours a week since February, my CEO had the nerve to demand me to work on an irrelevant, unnecessary project. I work off of government deadlines (maybe that’s sharing something) with a very big one coming up. This separate project is unrelated and would essentially fire the people I need helping me. Attempting to enact some semblance of boundaries I said no and not until after this date. This is the kicker: he then proceeded to say “I pay you more…

No matter how much capitalism wants to spin giving a shit about people’s mental health and building start-ups with mental health in mind, it’s all a fucking lie. I work for a start-up looking to help therapists “be therapists” but the degradation, emotional manipulation and burn out is insane. I can’t share too much info because SEO shit would actually get you to their website page.

Been working 60 hours a week since February, my CEO had the nerve to demand me to work on an irrelevant, unnecessary project. I work off of government deadlines (maybe that’s sharing something) with a very big one coming up. This separate project is unrelated and would essentially fire the people I need helping me. Attempting to enact some semblance of boundaries I said no and not until after this date.

This is the kicker: he then proceeded to say “I pay you more than any person on the [department] team, I expect more from you.” After working 60 hrs for the last 8+ weeks. For taking ONE weekend off for my 30th birthday. For managing an entire project that determines the longevity of this company.

I’m just this circus monkey here to be propped around for whatever needs done. Fuck my feelings and life right? I’ve never felt so caged and like a puppet in my life.

I vowed that I wouldn’t take this any longer. They take whatever they want whenever they can. As soon as I get thru this deadline, I’m starting my own gig. If I’m going to work this fucking hard, I’ll at least make sure it’s for myself.

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