
Mental illnesses and work

Hey guys I need some advice I’ve always been really scared to call out of work because I wasn’t feeling ok I’ve been diagnosed by my physiotherapist and have the documentation to prove it It just seems like people don’t really take mental health seriously I’ve read that my employer is supposed to accommodate for me where they can but what really is it that they could possibly do for me. “Ah yes, reads here the doctor prescribes less strenuous work” I’ve called out before and my boss has given me warnings saying stuff like “we pay you to be here so we expect you to be here on time every day” what do I say? Sorry bro I lowkey wanted to kms but I’ll come into work for you if you ask.

Hey guys I need some advice

I’ve always been really scared to call out of work because I wasn’t feeling ok

I’ve been diagnosed by my physiotherapist and have the documentation to prove it

It just seems like people don’t really take mental health seriously

I’ve read that my employer is supposed to accommodate for me where they can but what really is it that they could possibly do for me.

“Ah yes, reads here the doctor prescribes less strenuous work”

I’ve called out before and my boss has given me warnings saying stuff like “we pay you to be here so we expect you to be here on time every day” what do I say? Sorry bro I lowkey wanted to kms but I’ll come into work for you if you ask.

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