
Mess around and find out

Hi I am Ammy. So this story goes back to 2021 December. covid restrictions were lifted recently and I needed job so badly so I went to an employment agency in montreal. They were sending dishwashers to different restaurants all over montreal over 30 restaurants. I worked there for 6 months on 15$ per hour which was very low considering heavy work load so I asked for a raise in the summer 2022 and the offer me a 50 cent raise . When I argued they told me to give my 2 weeks notice and leave. I was asking 16.5$ per hour which was still low for the job as most of people were making around 18$ hr. So back to the day of revenge. So it was a Saturday night when I was refused the 1.5$ raise because they felt that is ridiculous so I went to the restaurant…

Hi I am Ammy. So this story goes back to 2021 December. covid restrictions were lifted recently and I needed job so badly so I went to an employment agency in montreal. They were sending dishwashers to different restaurants all over montreal over 30 restaurants. I worked there for 6 months on 15$ per hour which was very low considering heavy work load so I asked for a raise in the summer 2022 and the offer me a 50 cent raise . When I argued they told me to give my 2 weeks notice and leave. I was asking 16.5$ per hour which was still low for the job as most of people were making around 18$ hr. So back to the day of revenge. So it was a Saturday night when I was refused the 1.5$ raise because they felt that is ridiculous so I went to the restaurant owner and told the whole story. He told me that he was paying 30$ per hour to the agency for me and we made a plan. He told me to call the agency and tell them that you are quitting right now and walking out and I did the same but kept working. After 10 mins the owner called the agency that I left and If I didn't come back in 15 minutes he will not extend the contract which was ending in 2 weeks. The agency got scared because they were sending employees to 3 of his restaurants and the started calling me in panic because they didn't had any other person available to cover my shift on a 15 mins notice. I picked up the call and told them to stop bothering me and hung up. After 5 mins they called me with an offer to increase my pay to 18$. I refused and told them I value my respect more than money. After just 2 mins the owner of the agency called me and asked me what would It take to send me back to the shift and my answer was 80$ hour 12 hours minimum as the restaurant owner told me and he agreed right away. The fun part is the restaurant owner didn't extended the contract and hired me and 4 other friends of mine from the agency and paid us 22$ hour plus benefits. I'm still working their and he promoted me to the kitchen and gave me 8% raise. The agency owner was really pissed and kept harassing me on phone so I got a restraining order against him.

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