
Micromanaging bosses who mess things up so you have more work when you come back from time off

So after being guilt tripped for taking the only real time off I've had in 2+ years during the Thanksgiving/birthday break, I come back to an even more micromanagey boss who has fucked my stuff up just so I have more work because I “need to be working 8 hours a day”. As if I didn't have enough to come back to already. Says I need to fix all this in a business week. Have to throw out my whole ass to-do list to undo and redo his “work”. Oh, and get this, I'm suddenly responsible for the “incorrect” work that was mostly done before me, and need to fix all of it by next week too. Like okay, these supposed standards I supposedly didn't follow have never been mentioned to me at all until now, are not documented anywhere, and are not followed by anyone else in my role…

So after being guilt tripped for taking the only real time off I've had in 2+ years during the Thanksgiving/birthday break, I come back to an even more micromanagey boss who has fucked my stuff up just so I have more work because I “need to be working 8 hours a day”. As if I didn't have enough to come back to already. Says I need to fix all this in a business week. Have to throw out my whole ass to-do list to undo and redo his “work”.

Oh, and get this, I'm suddenly responsible for the “incorrect” work that was mostly done before me, and need to fix all of it by next week too. Like okay, these supposed standards I supposedly didn't follow have never been mentioned to me at all until now, are not documented anywhere, and are not followed by anyone else in my role either. Then he's like “well I'm establishing them now”, like foh Man is just trying to make my life harder for no reason.

70/30 on whether I should just quit right now

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