
Middle management bullshit

This is the context: I work in a garage, I'm an apprentice so I do basic things, like tires, oil changes, lights, batteries, etc. Easy stuff basically. Over the summer I wanted more hours to have a savings cushion to finish my last class and get my diploma in mechanics. So to get more hours I started working the counter and being an advisor. Overall the job is good, the pay is decent, and I get good bonuses, but there's one specific guy in middle management I don't even know what his purpose is, he's not really good at selling but he fills in when needed, he also doesn't have a mechanical background, he mostly sits in a chair in the garage and insures things “run smoothly” except he's constantly telling us how to do things (with no mechanical knowledge) and nitpicking on the tiniest detail, like just today he…

This is the context: I work in a garage, I'm an apprentice so I do basic things, like tires, oil changes, lights, batteries, etc. Easy stuff basically. Over the summer I wanted more hours to have a savings cushion to finish my last class and get my diploma in mechanics. So to get more hours I started working the counter and being an advisor.

Overall the job is good, the pay is decent, and I get good bonuses, but there's one specific guy in middle management I don't even know what his purpose is, he's not really good at selling but he fills in when needed, he also doesn't have a mechanical background, he mostly sits in a chair in the garage and insures things “run smoothly” except he's constantly telling us how to do things (with no mechanical knowledge) and nitpicking on the tiniest detail, like just today he criticised me 3 times for forgetting to write minor information in people's bills (the fact that a client was late to the appointment, I forgot if one was waiting on site or coming back later and lastly I forgot to write my name on another) all things that won't affect the quality of the work or the service to the client just minor details we like to keep on file. In the year I've been working here I haven't heard a single kind word from his mouth, all he ever has to say is every single mistake people make, even when it doesn't affect the work, if anything isn't exactly perfect he'll give you shit for it. We have multiple other manager upper and middle and they all give criticism in a positive manner and a “this is how you can do better manner” but not him. And I'm frankly sick of it.

I'll be doing an oil change and the way I do them is do the inspection while the oil is draining it saves times to do it like that, and he's always bitching at me to do them first, so I started doing it his way and then he was bitching I wasn't working as fast, well fucking pick a side dude inspection first or less time consuming, you can't have your cake and eat it to in this line of work.

Honestly I just don't know how to put up with him anymore and it's like he's got a fucking thing against me cause he's always harsher on me than others and I'm fucking sick of it.

Extra info: I'm a 22y/o woman
I work full time until I go back to school
I come from a family of mechanics so I know my shit, the diploma is just for official credibility
Salary is 17/h + 1% productivity bonus (on the cost of the repairs) and I'm unionised

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