
might as well start “quiet quitting” too

Last year I've finally got a job in my area (environment), I worked as a service provider for the water and sewage company in my state, I'm on salary, semi-decent pay and the job was fine. I was quite ok in the company but this Friday something happened that made me question myself. I was in another city, 600km(372 miles?) from where I live for two weeks with another two coworkers(which I already didn't fully agree, as I said I couldn't travel this month). It started well but I noticed that those two, maybe because they had more time in the company than me, started to berate, humiliate and putting in the right terms, treating me like shit. Didn't make and effort to talk and when needed they had and awful attitude. Friday, which was the second to last day of the trip, my boss called us and simply freak…

Last year I've finally got a job in my area (environment), I worked as a service provider for the water and sewage company in my state, I'm on salary, semi-decent pay and the job was fine. I was quite ok in the company but this Friday something happened that made me question myself. I was in another city, 600km(372 miles?) from where I live for two weeks with another two coworkers(which I already didn't fully agree, as I said I couldn't travel this month). It started well but I noticed that those two, maybe because they had more time in the company than me, started to berate, humiliate and putting in the right terms, treating me like shit. Didn't make and effort to talk and when needed they had and awful attitude. Friday, which was the second to last day of the trip, my boss called us and simply freak out, complaining that we hadn't been as productive as he wanted to (he wanted us to do in 13 days what wasn't accomplished in the last full month, by the way), threatened everyone, saying that if we “didn't like what we do we should leave the company and that he already has a lot of candidates to replace us” (that's verbatim). Today was supposed to be may day of, as accorded when we talked about the trip. He sent us ALL to the office, saying there was a reunion to talk about the situation. We waited 1hr for him and then he told us all that he wasn't coming and we should all go to work. I'm just thinking that if he really thinks he has replacement for me (not to toot my own horn, but I'm always on time, drive the company car and sometimes do supervisor work, such as distributing work, because simply there is no supervisor at the moment) he should just man up, fire me, pay what he owns and give me the full paperwork for filling unemployment.

(sorry for bad English or confusing wording, I'm not American nor a native speaker)

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