
Might be stupid as hell, but with all these companies that post petty memos in various public locations for employees, what if we started posting our resignations like that?

Especially if it was anonymous. “Dear Management, you don’t know who this is, or how many of us there will be, but consider [day and date] to be my last day because [reasons they are incompetent, selfish, money-grubbing tyrants].” And then on that day, you’re gone. Don’t answer phone calls, emails, texts, nothing. You gave them notice….kinda. It’s like submitting your two weeks without having to worry about retaliation or listen to them bitch about it, and hell, you might inspire more people to quit on the same day. Can you imagine if management came in and more than half the team quit? *obviously there are tons of reasons this would be impractical and why it would harm you as an employee/former employee. (PTO banks, future references, etc). That risk comes with leaving any job so take all this with a grain of salt but if you’ve reached your limit…

Especially if it was anonymous. “Dear Management, you don’t know who this is, or how many of us there will be, but consider [day and date] to be my last day because [reasons they are incompetent, selfish, money-grubbing tyrants].” And then on that day, you’re gone. Don’t answer phone calls, emails, texts, nothing. You gave them notice….kinda.

It’s like submitting your two weeks without having to worry about retaliation or listen to them bitch about it, and hell, you might inspire more people to quit on the same day. Can you imagine if management came in and more than half the team quit?

*obviously there are tons of reasons this would be impractical and why it would harm you as an employee/former employee. (PTO banks, future references, etc). That risk comes with leaving any job so take all this with a grain of salt but if you’ve reached your limit and you’re gonna bounce anyway, why not try it this way?

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