
Millennials and Gen Zers want everything handed to them

This was said by the president of my department. We had a line management call with the new president of our department, who spent the majority of the call berating us. When a discussion came up regarding an employee who just returned from maternity leave, it was brought up that the responsibilities she had prior to leave were now aligned with a position one level above her (we recently went through a departmental re-org). Our president said that if we reassign her the same work she did before, that she will ultimately want a promotion, and that millennials and gen Zers don’t want to work hard for promotions or raises, they just want everything handed to them. They went on to say that it would be better if she just decided to quit rather than give her a promotion. Way to say the quiet part out loud. Oh yeah, If…

This was said by the president of my department.

We had a line management call with the new president of our department, who spent the majority of the call berating us. When a discussion came up regarding an employee who just returned from maternity leave, it was brought up that the responsibilities she had prior to leave were now aligned with a position one level above her (we recently went through a departmental re-org). Our president said that if we reassign her the same work she did before, that she will ultimately want a promotion, and that millennials and gen Zers don’t want to work hard for promotions or raises, they just want everything handed to them. They went on to say that it would be better if she just decided to quit rather than give her a promotion. Way to say the quiet part out loud. Oh yeah, If it wasn’t obvious, this new president is a boomer.

So anyways, I’ve started looking for a new job.

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