
Minnesota can employer say why employee fired?

In Minnesota, are there any laws that say an employer cannot share the truthful reason why an employee was fired? I understand employers may want to avoid slander, etc. But if they gave the employee a cause … are they lawfully allowed to share this with other employees? There was a shocking firing in my workplace. Frankly maybe illegal. Higher ups said they cannot state specifics because of employment law, but I don't trust their word. I just want to know if they are bluffing.

In Minnesota, are there any laws that say an employer cannot share the truthful reason why an employee was fired?

I understand employers may want to avoid slander, etc. But if they gave the employee a cause … are they lawfully allowed to share this with other employees?

There was a shocking firing in my workplace. Frankly maybe illegal. Higher ups said they cannot state specifics because of employment law, but I don't trust their word. I just want to know if they are bluffing.

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