
Miserable Job 30F

To give y’all some background. I worked for this lady let’s call her Karen for the sake of confidentiality. I worked for Karen for years. I bent over backwards for this subcontractor and after I quit she ruined my reputation out of fear I would “steal her business and her clients”. I worked for her walking dogs, administering medication for dogs, and playing with dogs all day essentially, I also pet sat for cats and other exotic creatures. I LOVE animals. I love to take pictures of animals and nature as well, which I would always share with my clients. All of my previous clients through her loved me. I never had a complaint! My clients would ask for me by name when they wanted to book and at one point I was so overbooked that I literally didn’t have much of a life. I was there for Karen when…

To give y’all some background. I worked for this lady let’s call her Karen for the sake of confidentiality. I worked for Karen for years. I bent over backwards for this subcontractor and after I quit she ruined my reputation out of fear I would “steal her business and her clients”. I worked for her walking dogs, administering medication for dogs, and playing with dogs all day essentially, I also pet sat for cats and other exotic creatures. I LOVE animals. I love to take pictures of animals and nature as well, which I would always share with my clients. All of my previous clients through her loved me. I never had a complaint! My clients would ask for me by name when they wanted to book and at one point I was so overbooked that I literally didn’t have much of a life. I was there for Karen when she had her back surgery. I was there for Karen when she would go out and Party and couldn’t wake up on time. I was there for Karen when she went on her expensive vacations. During Covid we shut down. I didn’t have any work and as soon as she opened back up, I was back to pet sitting with the strict understanding that I have kids and my kids are on virtual so morning visits were pretty much out. I started to get completely overbooked again and I started to notice that Karen was adding visits without my knowledge. Karen’s excuse was it’s not her job to “babysit her sitters”. Karen added a 5am visit, of which I was late to by 10 minutes because I was under the impression that she understood my situation. So at that point I got so fed up I quit. Karen came over to get her keys. I gave her the keys and then she called and complained I didn’t give her all of the keys yelling out expletives and threatening to call the police. I know this is childish. But I went over to Karen’s and tossed the keys on her front porch. I was fed up and It doesn’t end there. Karen walked up in my house while my kids were home. Pushed herself inside looking for a signature paper to a contract. My kids called me frantic so I called the police. If you think that’s bad. I took another job, less stressful job working with animals through another subcontractor. Karen then has her friends set me up to pet sit for them. Mind you I’m used to cameras in clients houses. But never in my private space like the bathroom or bedroom area where you would expect to have a semblance of privacy. Long story short, Karen’s friends wrote a nasty review on my sitters page, saying “inappropriate behavior, do not hire”. I was in tears. I love animals. Come to find out as well the lady who hired me “Karens friends” her husband hit on me on multiple occasions while I was out playing shows. I wasn't even aware that he was married at the time, it was during my separation from my now fiancé. Karen has been destroying my reputation all over town. Even to go so far to say that I am abusive to animals, I ended up getting so down and discouraged that I quit pet sitting all together. I am just beside myself and she won’t stop me this is trickling over to other potential employers. Karen is making my life a living hell. Karen just recently caused drama in my community over my rescue dog which has to after all of this be put down, which crushed, M was my Moms dog, a family dog that we have had for years and now she’s gone. Idk what to do anymore, I am beside myself with grief and frustration, I am in therapy because this is really starting to affect my mental health. It’s not like I have a ton of money to get an attorney. Please, I need some advice on what to do. This is also now starting to affect my home life, my kids and is making my job options very limited. I have two kids to raise, one who is getting bullied and ostracized at school because of this. HELP!!! What can I do to get Karen to stop? I know this sounds like a soap opera, but let me assure you this all really happened and I’m at my wits end.

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