
Misleading reference to keep you in your current job

I am currently in a job, which I feel that it just goes nowhere. So I’ve been looking around and interviewing for other jobs. A few jobs ask me for my current supervisor’s reference which I hesitate to give because the fact that I believe that my current supervisor would say misleading references that would not be favorable to my character in order to keep me at the current job that I am at. Anybody else have that kind of concern when giving a current supervisor reference to a potential employer?

I am currently in a job, which I feel that it just goes nowhere. So I’ve been looking around and interviewing for other jobs. A few jobs ask me for my current supervisor’s reference which I hesitate to give because the fact that I believe that my current supervisor would say misleading references that would not be favorable to my character in order to keep me at the current job that I am at. Anybody else have that kind of concern when giving a current supervisor reference to a potential employer?

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