
Mismatch with my new job after 3 months. What should I do?

l joined a new job 3 months ago for a new challenge and a better salary. I starting to feel a mismatch during the first month and that feeling is still there. To me, there is a gap between what I was told during the interview and what is actually asked from me. My boss gives me regular feedback but always on how to improve but never on what I have done. I feel like he expects to much compared to what I’m capable of doing.I recently started to have a look at new opportunities but didn't apply yet because I feel that 3 months is too short to make a decision. I nevertheless feel constantly stressed and anxious about this situation. What would you recommend me?

l joined a new job 3 months ago for a new
challenge and a better salary. I starting to feel a mismatch during the first month and that feeling is still there. To me, there is a gap between what I was told during the interview and what is actually asked from me. My boss gives me regular
feedback but always on how to improve but never on what I have done. I feel like he expects to much compared to what I’m capable of doing.I recently started to have a look at new opportunities but didn't apply yet because I feel that 3 months is too short to make a decision. I nevertheless feel constantly stressed
and anxious about this situation. What would you recommend me?

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