
Monday Strike

People of reddit, whatever you do don't go to work tomorrow. Read a book, attend a protest, smoke a joint, whatever, but don't go to work as usual. If we stand together and hold our ground, the capitalists will throw the Supreme Court under the bus. The stock market is hanging by a thread right now, if thousands of people went on strike, nationwide, the capitalist class would shit a collective brick. Roe could be reinstated by independence day. There are mutual aid organizations ready to support those who need financial assistance. If you truly must go to work, think about donating.

People of reddit, whatever you do don't go to work tomorrow. Read a book, attend a protest, smoke a joint, whatever, but don't go to work as usual. If we stand together and hold our ground, the capitalists will throw the Supreme Court under the bus. The stock market is hanging by a thread right now, if thousands of people went on strike, nationwide, the capitalist class would shit a collective brick. Roe could be reinstated by independence day.

There are mutual aid organizations ready to support those who need financial assistance. If you truly must go to work, think about donating.

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