
Money/work balance rant

I currently work 2 jobs. My full time job that I started last year I make $22.05 an hour and put in 72ish hours typically for each 2 week pay period. This is the most money I've ever made. After taxes and benefits are deducted, my check isn't so pretty anymore. My second job that I've had for 8.5 years I make $15.50 an hour and I work that job every Saturday. I started off at $8.25 an hour back in 2014 for job #2. Anyways, this gives me one day off a week. I so desperately want to quit my part time second job, so I can have 2 days off a week and not feel exhausted. I feel like if I do quit the part time job I won't be bringing in enough money to just live. I have this unhealthy mindset that no matter how much money…

I currently work 2 jobs. My full time job that I started last year I make $22.05 an hour and put in 72ish hours typically for each 2 week pay period. This is the most money I've ever made. After taxes and benefits are deducted, my check isn't so pretty anymore. My second job that I've had for 8.5 years I make $15.50 an hour and I work that job every Saturday. I started off at $8.25 an hour back in 2014 for job #2.

Anyways, this gives me one day off a week. I so desperately want to quit my part time second job, so I can have 2 days off a week and not feel exhausted. I feel like if I do quit the part time job I won't be bringing in enough money to just live. I have this unhealthy mindset that no matter how much money I bring in, it just won't be enough. I pay all of my bills on time. No pets. Single. Unmarried. No kids. I haven't been on a proper vacation in 6 years. I feel like I don't have a social life. I work, come home, then muster enough energy to go to my martial arts class 3x a week. I still live at home. I'm trying to save up to buy a condo. I've been looking/saving since covid.

Sorry for the rant. I feel like all I do is live to WORK and I can't enjoy myself or take a second to just breathe. I feel like I'm on a runway ticket to possible burnout if I do this any longer.

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