
Moral debate: should I work even though I have a passive income of 45k?

I (late 20s F) fortunately and unfortunately got severe PTSD from a job that I was retired from with a monthly (lifetime) income. At the end of the job I couldn’t work due to the effect on my mental health. After that job, I spent 5 months unemployed. I got a job last month in a field that I got my degree in. But I have been MISERABLE. And I think my lack of enthusiasm is stemmed from the fact that I don’t technically need the job. There’s no fire under my ass to “work hard” or keep it so I can maintain a lifestyle. That’s where the conflict comes in. I know it’s mostly due to societal expectations. But why am I making myself miserable, spending 9 hours a day sitting at a computer making double my original income when I don’t have to? So do I wait 6…

I (late 20s F) fortunately and unfortunately got severe PTSD from a job that I was retired from with a monthly (lifetime) income. At the end of the job I couldn’t work due to the effect on my mental health. After that job, I spent 5 months unemployed. I got a job last month in a field that I got my degree in. But I have been MISERABLE. And I think my lack of enthusiasm is stemmed from the fact that I don’t technically need the job. There’s no fire under my ass to “work hard” or keep it so I can maintain a lifestyle.

That’s where the conflict comes in. I know it’s mostly due to societal expectations. But why am I making myself miserable, spending 9 hours a day sitting at a computer making double my original income when I don’t have to?

So do I wait 6 months and quit the job and have a nice savings? Or do I quit now to resume a more peaceful lifestyle?

PS: I know this is a very privileged post and I am sooo grateful for the retirement I received at such an early age.

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