
More efficient=More work

First time poster, this feels like a good place to rant. My job is task based and I work PT to work around childcare and to have more time with my kids who are still quite young. I've been thinking about doing more hours since we switched to remote working because not having a commute has given me back at least 2 hours a day. Last week we got an email saying because productivity has gone up since March 2020, management want to increase the number of tasks per day without any extra pay or other incentives. So (for example) instead of having 5 tasks to complete within an 8 hour day, we would have 7 or 8. Management reasoning is that some people are completing their tasks within a shorter time when working from home so we should all be 'rewarded' for improved efficiency with more work. So instead…

First time poster, this feels like a good place to rant.

My job is task based and I work PT to work around childcare and to have more time with my kids who are still quite young. I've been thinking about doing more hours since we switched to remote working because not having a commute has given me back at least 2 hours a day. Last week we got an email saying because productivity has gone up since March 2020, management want to increase the number of tasks per day without any extra pay or other incentives. So (for example) instead of having 5 tasks to complete within an 8 hour day, we would have 7 or 8. Management reasoning is that some people are completing their tasks within a shorter time when working from home so we should all be 'rewarded' for improved efficiency with more work.

So instead of now doing more work for more money by moving from my current PT to what would be effectively a FT workload, I'll be getting a FT workload for the same pay because too many of us got better at delivery during working from home.

Just need to offload, our union is heading into battle on this. Kids, don't ever do your job too well and always join a union.

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