
More Responsibilities, No extra pay

Before i begin here's some background: 1. I work in a grocery store 2. Each section of the store is separated into their own department 3. Up until this week I was working in two departments, produce and I am a closing manager in grocery So, here's what's going down at my work, I currently make $13.50 an hour and I'm one of the highest paid employees, I make even more then assistant managers at this place as a closing manager. Recently, they decided to cut my hours in specifically produce because I make too much money, so I'm getting about 1/2 the hours that i normally do total. To make up for that, they gave me a position in the bakery/deli, with no pay raise. But, i make too much to consistently work in the bakery/deli too. sooooo, my manager gave me another position, technically I'm supposed to get…

Before i begin here's some background:
1. I work in a grocery store
2. Each section of the store is separated into their own department
3. Up until this week I was working in two departments, produce and I am a closing manager in grocery

So, here's what's going down at my work, I currently make $13.50 an hour and I'm one of the highest paid employees, I make even more then assistant managers at this place as a closing manager. Recently, they decided to cut my hours in specifically produce because I make too much money, so I'm getting about 1/2 the hours that i normally do total. To make up for that, they gave me a position in the bakery/deli, with no pay raise. But, i make too much to consistently work in the bakery/deli too. sooooo, my manager gave me another position, technically I'm supposed to get two pay raises with these two positions (it's company policy), but I'm still at $13.50. But if I ask to get a pay raise, my hours get cut even more.

I'm just so tired, i work 7 am – 10 pm most days and i barely get one day off, and now I'm making too much? when I'm barely making by? and I'm one of the best employees? Idk, I think I'm just ranting, but I think I'm also looking for advice. This has been my favorite job, at it's not even my direct managers fault, it's the executives that look at the bottom line and just see numbers. If i leave right now, my manager will have one less person who actually cares about the store. But i also understand that jobs suck, and they don't have any loyalty to their workers, so why should I.

I've been looking around for another job, but everyone just hired a bunch of people for the Christmas season. I'm just looking for a manager position so i can pay my bills and my parters medical stuff. Thank you for reading

TLDR; My work is forcing more and more positions onto me with no financial compensation.

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