
Morgan Stanley, who administered my later father’s ESOP, is screwing us over. (Rant; Not really anti-work but anti-corporate)

Hey all, My Father suddenly passed away Nov 2022. He had an ESOP through his work plan, in which he had an RRSP (Canadian IRA). Morgan Stanley administers the plan On all the accounts he named his wife, My Mother, as the beneficiary. The statements clearly indicate this. From the start of the account till his passing, the statements are crystal clear However, Morgan Stanley claims there is no beneficary, despite what the statements say cause there “is no signed form” (ie they lost the form). (Beneficiaries don't just pop out out of nowhere on the statement; my Dad named my Mom) They refuse to release the money unless we get a probated will – which is ridiculously expensive and time consuming in Ontario. And we won't get the RRSP tax deferred benefits. His sudden death at a young age (58) caused so much stress to all already. Not that…

Hey all,

My Father suddenly passed away Nov 2022. He had an ESOP through his work plan, in which he had an RRSP (Canadian IRA).
Morgan Stanley administers the plan

On all the accounts he named his wife, My Mother, as the beneficiary. The statements clearly indicate this. From the start of the account till his passing, the statements are crystal clear

However, Morgan Stanley claims there is no beneficary, despite what the statements say cause there “is
no signed form” (ie they lost the form). (Beneficiaries don't just pop out out of nowhere on the statement; my Dad named my Mom)

They refuse to release the money unless we get a probated will – which is ridiculously expensive and time consuming in Ontario. And we won't get the RRSP tax deferred benefits.

His sudden death at a young age (58) caused so much stress to all already. Not that those sociopaths care.

Just when you think Investment banks can't get any eviler…

We show them the forms; don't care. We escalate; nothing happens. In fact they keep making up stories so they can blame us and we keep showing them evidence how their story makes no sense so they keep changing things. They are literally cartoon villain bankers at this point.

As for my Dad's employer, HR is giving nice words but they don't see to be doing anything to stand up for their employees. Just taking a back seat to it all really.

Fuck Morgan Stanley. Fuck big banks. And Fuck all the sociopaths in the industry and the boot lickers who support them

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