
Mother may get evicted. I need advice.

Was told to post this here. My mother is nearing her fifties and has had foot problems for as long as I’ve known her(not blood-related). She works in hotels, diners, and such. Anyway, she is always complaining about the pain in her feet but neglected to ever do anything about it because she is poor. Finally, a month ago she actually decides to go to the doctor about her feet after me and my sister had been pressing on her too. I guess after years and years the pain was finally unbearable. Doctor says the bones in her feet are shattered. I don’t know the specifics but it’s major surgery. Me and my sister are happy that she’s finally going to get treatment, but the celebration is short lived because her hotel job fired her. They fired her for taking time off to finally go see a doctor about her…

Was told to post this here.

My mother is nearing her fifties and has had foot problems for as long as I’ve known her(not blood-related). She works in hotels, diners, and such. Anyway, she is always complaining about the pain in her feet but neglected to ever do anything about it because she is poor. Finally, a month ago she actually decides to go to the doctor about her feet after me and my sister had been pressing on her too. I guess after years and years the pain was finally unbearable. Doctor says the bones in her feet are shattered. I don’t know the specifics but it’s major surgery. Me and my sister are happy that she’s finally going to get treatment, but the celebration is short lived because her hotel job fired her. They fired her for taking time off to finally go see a doctor about her feet. I’m sure there’s a lawsuit that can be drawn up because that just can’t be legal. My mom is a solid hard worker. She never takes time off. I know that she is also having to fight with said hotel to get her letter of termination to get unemployment funding. I’m not sure if that has been resolved.
She needed money for rent last month and this month. My sister and I did give her money but I am not all for throwing hundreds of dollars at her. I am only 21 years old, my sister 22. I am trying to find more resourceful ways to help her instead of shredding my own financial responsibilities and stability that I worked so hard to provide for myself. I clawed my way towards the life I have today. I am no where near rich. I am barely above low class. I can’t spare hundreds of dollars for her.
Her injury is supposed to qualify her for disability but here is the kicker: her landlord just gave her a notice for the 10th of April, and her disability approval or denial won’t be available until the 11th. No certainty when disability funds or unemployment funds will be available.
We are in South Texas if that matters. Any advice helps. Thank you all in advance.

Edit: No one has context about my life, or me and my mother relationship. I crawled out of poverty myself. Put myself through some of college and any important milestone (car, apartment, etc.) was funded solely by myself. I had no financial support from anyone, ever. Me and my siblings had to provide for the household while we were all in High school. I was literally at job interviews the day after I turned 16. So please, understand where I am coming from. I am not a selfish brat, I just want to give my mother the proper help and resources she needs, not just the numbers to my debit card.

Edit #2: FYI, having her move in with me and my sister is not a great option, for several reasons. Please try to give other advice than just that, thanks.

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