
moved off my team after nervous breakdown

…because they replaced all my senior engineers with junior engineers and I've been having to do all their work for them while they learn to code (one didn't know how to send an email for christ's sake). Meanwhile the crazy demanding client won't use the proper channels to report issues. I tried my damndest to fix the situation by working with my TOM and melted down (at home) when they hired yet another underqualified person… at my salary 😀 I asked for stress leave aaaand… Now they've made me agree to move teams or quit, and they're trying to replace me (lead) with yet another junior and there is no way in hell I am doing work for that team anymore after getting told I can't handle the stress of the position I was excelling in for 3 years prior to their takeover. I'm looking elsewhere because this is b.s.…

…because they replaced all my senior engineers with junior engineers and I've been having to do all their work for them while they learn to code (one didn't know how to send an email for christ's sake). Meanwhile the crazy demanding client won't use the proper channels to report issues. I tried my damndest to fix the situation by working with my TOM and melted down (at home) when they hired yet another underqualified person… at my salary 😀 I asked for stress leave aaaand…

Now they've made me agree to move teams or quit, and they're trying to replace me (lead) with yet another junior and there is no way in hell I am doing work for that team anymore after getting told I can't handle the stress of the position I was excelling in for 3 years prior to their takeover. I'm looking elsewhere because this is b.s. It sure will be fun watching that team crash and burn though.

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