
My (16 yo) grocery store i work at employs almost exclusively minors.

Literally every single job that a minor is legally allowed to do is done by one. They pay about 8.50-9.50 an hour. I’m looking for another job atm because i have to do multiple peoples jobs most of the time because the kids they employ aren’t very reliable, like you would expect from a kid nothing against them im not reliable either for this pay, and even the kids quit for better jobs. The managers constantly complain about being short handed and no one showing up. This place makes me sick and i’ve been trying to organize with co workers but it’s been a struggle getting most people on board because a lot of people here work because their family needs the money and they don’t wanna risk it. I’ve tried explaining more but still most are very iffy about it. They’re so desperate for cheap labor they haven’t fired…

Literally every single job that a minor is legally allowed to do is done by one. They pay about 8.50-9.50 an hour. I’m looking for another job atm because i have to do multiple peoples jobs most of the time because the kids they employ aren’t very reliable, like you would expect from a kid nothing against them im not reliable either for this pay, and even the kids quit for better jobs. The managers constantly complain about being short handed and no one showing up. This place makes me sick and i’ve been trying to organize with co workers but it’s been a struggle getting most people on board because a lot of people here work because their family needs the money and they don’t wanna risk it. I’ve tried explaining more but still most are very iffy about it. They’re so desperate for cheap labor they haven’t fired me yet and i just don’t show up every now and then when i don’t feel like it. I’ve told them i’d show up more if i wasn’t paid this way but i hear from other workers the managers think i’m just “lazy.” How can i be lazy when i’m willing to work my ass off as long as i’m correctly compensated? Fuck capitalism. That’s all. Goodbye and lmk your thoughts on the issue or advice.

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