
my assistant manager doesn’t know what OSHA is

I closed the store with my assistant manager (she got promoted when the old assistant manager quit for a better job im so happy for the old assistant manager) and I told her about how the company is dealing with about 1.3 mil in OSHA safety fines and she seriously looked at me and asked “what's that?” I did explain to her what OSHA was and all she said was “damn I don't know anything about that”

I closed the store with my assistant manager (she got promoted when the old assistant manager quit for a better job im so happy for the old assistant manager) and I told her about how the company is dealing with about 1.3 mil in OSHA safety fines and she seriously looked at me and asked “what's that?”

I did explain to her what OSHA was and all she said was “damn I don't know anything about that”

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