
My boomer MIL thinks millennial don’t want to work

Went on a family vacation this past week for Spring break with my in laws, my wife, and our young kids. We noticed the theme park staff seemed stretched thin, with some restaurants not opening at all or staffed by a single person working a food stand while there is clearly a long line. I thought it was odd but just stated it as an observation, not really making a statement otherwise. My MIL proceeds to say “it's just terrible” and that “millennials don't want to work and call out too much if they do work”. I pointedly told her that I am a millennial (I am 40 yrs old) and that I forfeited some of my vacation time last year (I am salaried with desk job, get like 4 weeks of PTO but the work can be relentless with deadlines and taking PTO always means working more to catch…

Went on a family vacation this past week for Spring break with my in laws, my wife, and our young kids. We noticed the theme park staff seemed stretched thin, with some restaurants not opening at all or staffed by a single person working a food stand while there is clearly a long line.

I thought it was odd but just stated it as an observation, not really making a statement otherwise. My MIL proceeds to say “it's just terrible” and that “millennials don't want to work and call out too much if they do work”. I pointedly told her that I am a millennial (I am 40 yrs old) and that I forfeited some of my vacation time last year (I am salaried with desk job, get like 4 weeks of PTO but the work can be relentless with deadlines and taking PTO always means working more to catch back up).

I literally don't think she understands what a millennial is and just parrots shit that Fox News says.

*for clarification, the park had just opened for Spring season the previous week and probably relies on high school and college workers, who were not on Spring break yet. That's my theory, though if they don't pay a livable wage then that's on them for relying on essentially the youth to keep the place running.

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