
My boss asked me why I called out, she didn’t like my answer.

context: My boss isn't mean or rude by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, she's too much of a people pleaser to the point where it puts too much pressure on her which makes her act manic; that's the conclusion I've come to from a distance, i don't know her personally. The night after I had missed work due to some really intense period cramping and pain which I explained to her when she asked about it, followed by: *”It usually isn't that intense for me, so i don't usually miss work because of it” trying to assure her it wouldn't become a monthly occurrence. She replied “That's good, I get it. Trust me, I've experienced it too. However, I would really prefer if you still came in. I would rather have 50% you than 0% you, you know what I mean?” I think it should have taken it…

context: My boss isn't mean or rude by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, she's too much of a people pleaser to the point where it puts too much pressure on her which makes her act manic; that's the conclusion I've come to from a distance, i don't know her personally.

The night after I had missed work due to some really intense period cramping and pain which I explained to her when she asked about it, followed by: *”It usually isn't that intense for me, so i don't usually miss work because of it” trying to assure her it wouldn't become a monthly occurrence. She replied “That's good, I get it. Trust me, I've experienced it too. However, I would really prefer if you still came in. I would rather have 50% you than 0% you, you know what I mean?”

I think it should have taken it as a compliment, but I was still taken aback at first. I didn't call out because I didn't want to come, I didn't go into work because it hurt to stand and walk. idk, maybe I'm looking too deep into it but it rubbed me the wrong way. Thoughts?

*I had to paraphrase with the quotes since we had this conversation in person almost 2 weeks ago.

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