
My boss asks for work no one needs

A few weeks ago, I posted about getting in trouble for not doing work no one asked for and no one needed. ​ In summary, he told a supervisor to come up with busy work for me to do because there was no work to do. The supervisor forgot to, the boss asked me how it was coming along, I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, the supervisor threw me under the bus saying, rather than admitting he didn't tell me to do anything, I didn't do it, I was told and forgot. ​ I got a written criticism sent company wide. ​ Today, he had a staff meeting to outline a bunch of work he wanted me to do, vague, pointless work that was “internal,” not going anywhere or being used for anything. ​ The supervisor came over after to tell me it was because…

A few weeks ago, I posted about getting in trouble for not doing work no one asked for and no one needed.

In summary, he told a supervisor to come up with busy work for me to do because there was no work to do. The supervisor forgot to, the boss asked me how it was coming along, I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, the supervisor threw me under the bus saying, rather than admitting he didn't tell me to do anything, I didn't do it, I was told and forgot.

I got a written criticism sent company wide.

Today, he had a staff meeting to outline a bunch of work he wanted me to do, vague, pointless work that was “internal,” not going anywhere or being used for anything.

The supervisor came over after to tell me it was because he is on vacation next week and wants to be sure I am at my desk doing anything, even if not useful to anyone, rather than realize he isn't here and there is nothing to do and stay home.

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