
My boss’ boss making work a nightmare for me.

I can’t do this corporate song and dance anymore. My manager lives in another city and has bad communication skills so we don’t talk very much. Her manager lives in my city and we clash. When it comes to work, she never has anything but positive things to say directly to my face (“you’re so smart!” “You’re doing great!”). However on an interpersonal level she is evil. She saw me (i am a senior accountant) talking in the kitchen with a colleague, a new VP. She decided she didn’t like that and made comments to other people about my intentions talking to this man or not having enough work because I was speaking to our new VP (mind you, we were discussing work related topics I am working on for him). I am a woman of colour who worked really hard to get to where I am get to get…

I can’t do this corporate song and dance anymore. My manager lives in another city and has bad communication skills so we don’t talk very much. Her manager lives in my city and we clash. When it comes to work, she never has anything but positive things to say directly to my face (“you’re so smart!” “You’re doing great!”). However on an interpersonal level she is evil. She saw me (i am a senior accountant) talking in the kitchen with a colleague, a new VP. She decided she didn’t like that and made comments to other people about my intentions talking to this man or not having enough work because I was speaking to our new VP (mind you, we were discussing work related topics I am working on for him). I am a woman of colour who worked really hard to get to where I am get to get reduced to seeking for “special attention” because I spoke to a male colleague….

I’m floored and at a loss of words. This is one of the many grievances I have with her and her actions towards me. Unfortunately our only HR employee is very close with her. Looks like my only
Option is seeking a job elsewhere.

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