
My boss called me unprofessional and a future pornstar because I took a day off to take my ACT

For context, my class is 558 people and I am number #8 in my class. On my last ACT I scored a 29, but I need a 30 to qualify for a state scholarship. I currently am balancing a minimum wage job and AP and dual enrollment classes, meaning I am essentially putting in 70 hours of work between the two. I am generally considered a conventionally attractive person, and I have received a lot of unwanted sexual harassment from my 30 year old manager despite the fact that he is aware that I am a minor. This incident occurred when I went to take a day off in the calendar a week in advance for my test. He saw that I had taken a Saturday off (which is when I usually work) and asked if it was for an important reason, and if not, I would still need to…

For context, my class is 558 people and I am number #8 in my class. On my last ACT I scored a 29, but I need a 30 to qualify for a state scholarship. I currently am balancing a minimum wage job and AP and dual enrollment classes, meaning I am essentially putting in 70 hours of work between the two. I am generally considered a conventionally attractive person, and I have received a lot of unwanted sexual harassment from my 30 year old manager despite the fact that he is aware that I am a minor.

This incident occurred when I went to take a day off in the calendar a week in advance for my test. He saw that I had taken a Saturday off (which is when I usually work) and asked if it was for an important reason, and if not, I would still need to come into work. I told him that I had to take my ACT that day and he laughed and said “as if you’re gonna get above a 10.”

I asked what he meant by this and he told me that it’s not like I’m a future scholar and that the only option for a girl like me is porn or a housewife. He then told me that it’s unprofessional for me to put my own self gain above the needs of my “work family”. I just sort of ignored the comment and told him I needed that Saturday off. He went on to tell me that if I didn’t come in on Saturday I was going to get written up. I cried on my walk home because I feel like I’m getting punished for nothing since the schedule for that week wasn’t even posted. However, I can’t even quit that job just because it’s the only thing within walking distance, meaning my parents don’t have to spend anything on gas for me to work there.

My question for you guys, is there any legal way for him to tell me I can’t have a day off? Is it legal for him to even ask why I am taking a day off? and is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?

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