
My boss cares more about the store than he does about the safety of his employees

I (F21) work at a well known convenience store in the midwest. I work third shifts on the weekends and we usually only have three people working overnight. On saturday night we had an incident with a woman that came in. She was high on some kind of drug. It sounds like a funny situation when I describe it to other people, but I was terrified while it was happening. She came in and started dancing around the store while speaking total gibberish. The other two people I was working with were two girls near my age. None of us are super big, so it’s not like we could easily fend off this woman if she were to attack us, which at the time seemed like a possibility because she was acting so strange. I called the police and within this time the woman had come into the store two…

I (F21) work at a well known convenience store in the midwest. I work third shifts on the weekends and we usually only have three people working overnight. On saturday night we had an incident with a woman that came in. She was high on some kind of drug. It sounds like a funny situation when I describe it to other people, but I was terrified while it was happening. She came in and started dancing around the store while speaking total gibberish. The other two people I was working with were two girls near my age. None of us are super big, so it’s not like we could easily fend off this woman if she were to attack us, which at the time seemed like a possibility because she was acting so strange. I called the police and within this time the woman had come into the store two separate times, alternating between dancing around in the store and the parking lot. My coworkers and I locked the doors, opening them for regular guests, but locking them as soon as the woman got close. When she discovered the doors were locked she got angry and made a throat slitting motion while pointing at us and telling us to fuck off. The police took nearly half an hour to show up.
When the police got there they told us it was a good thing that we locked the door. Now the part that I’m most bothered about is that yesterday one of my friends from work told me that she overheard my boss telling someone that he thinks we should have called our company’s support number before we locked the doors to the store. This makes me so mad because he has no idea what it felt like to be in that situation. He’s way bigger than us and he’s also a marathon runner, so he could easily
protect himself. Stuff like this makes me so mad and makes me lose the little amount of faith that I have for corporations. I’m already aware that most places are money hungry and don’t care about their employees, but it really stings when it actually happens to you.

EDIT: This isn’t the first time I’ve had to file a police report due to someone harassing me while I was working, and no one from my management team asked if I was okay or really said anything about it to me unless I brought it up first.

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