
My Boss Expects Me to Work Even After Losing a Finger Overnight!

I’ve recently started a new job. It’s pretty unique because they have a fingerprint scanning system for clocking in and out. While my manager was demonstrating the process, he casually mentioned that they have a backup number (for clocking in and out) in case someone loses their index finger overnight. Can you believe that? I couldn’t help but ask if he actually expected me to show up for work after such a terrible incident! It was quite a bizarre conversation.

I’ve recently started a new job. It’s pretty unique because they have a fingerprint scanning system for clocking in and out. While my manager was demonstrating the process, he casually mentioned that they have a backup number (for clocking in and out) in case someone loses their index finger overnight. Can you believe that? I couldn’t help but ask if he actually expected me to show up for work after such a terrible incident! It was quite a bizarre conversation.

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