
My boss falsely accused me of sexual harassment at my old job!!! I think he lied! Did he make this up?

I used to work at a call center for 3 and 1/2 years. I enjoyed working there. I got along with most of the workers there. I had a manager who I can fairly say was micromanaging. He would also belittle me. One day, he sat next to me and called me fat and asked me if I was on a diet just because I enjoyed 2 cans of soda a day. I am thin (plus he's a diabetic, so he's not one to talk). He would always do things that would seem like micromanaging. Every 2 weeks, he would sit next to me so he can evaluate my calls. He never promoted me to another position, but he did to most of the other subordinates. I like to think I did a good job and it would be enough for another promotion. He said he would look into it,…

I used to work at a call center for 3 and 1/2 years. I enjoyed working there. I got along with most of the workers there. I had a manager who I can fairly say was micromanaging. He would also belittle me. One day, he sat next to me and called me fat and asked me if I was on a diet just because I enjoyed 2 cans of soda a day. I am thin (plus he's a diabetic, so he's not one to talk). He would always do things that would seem like micromanaging. Every 2 weeks, he would sit next to me so he can evaluate my calls. He never promoted me to another position, but he did to most of the other subordinates. I like to think I did a good job and it would be enough for another promotion. He said he would look into it, but never got around to it. One time, there was a new female employee who was being trained. I introduced myself and we started talking about how she was doing, her new job, etc., just like I would with all new employees. One day, my manager summoned me to his office and we sat. He asked me if I knew that female employee. I said yes. He stated that she spoke to somebody and told that person that I made her uncomfortable, and then that person told my manager which then led to the accusation. I was not disciplined or fired for this, thankfully. To be clear, I never sexually harassed her, or do anything close to it. I did not grope her, do any sexual gestures, call her names, say anything inappropriate, etc. I only said hello to her, how she was doing, if she was enjoying her job, and do the occasional hello wave to her, etc. I would do this everyday.

Here's the kicker: When my manager sat next to me, it was just him and I. There was no HR or office manager or both at the meeting. Plus, he was telling me he heard it from someone else. He didn't hear it from the alleged victim herself. Sexual harassment is a very serious accusation. It should be taken seriously and it should involve HR, and in some cases, the office manager. I myself witnessed sexual harassment in the workplace at another job, and when that happened, HR intervened. They asked me questions of what I saw and I gave them details. This is why I believe he made this up.

What can I do in the future if something like this happens again?

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