
My boss gave me a poor performance review to cover up his mistakes

I work at a relatively small non-profit and started at this place literally 2 days post grad from my Masters program. The original job I was hired for was new to the org but was tasked assisting an entire department. My boss decided 2 months into my employment, that I would be moved into an even newer role that was technically a promotion but there was no job description and no raise to accompany it. I had no freaking idea what I was doing and I was constantly getting yelled at for crossing boundaries on my job duties. I asked for 6 months straight to be given a job description. To be given training on how this position operates. Because of unclear guidance, my boss would get frustrated with me easily. He made several mistakes that he said was my fault. During my performance review, he kept saying that I…

I work at a relatively small non-profit and started at this place literally 2 days post grad from my Masters program. The original job I was hired for was new to the org but was tasked assisting an entire department.

My boss decided 2 months into my employment, that I would be moved into an even newer role that was technically a promotion but there was no job description and no raise to accompany it.

I had no freaking idea what I was doing and I was constantly getting yelled at for crossing boundaries on my job duties. I asked for 6 months straight to be given a job description. To be given training on how this position operates. Because of unclear guidance, my boss would get frustrated with me easily. He made several mistakes that he said was my fault.

During my performance review, he kept saying that I always do my work half way, I always miss deadlines, and I always make mistakes. These were lies and I legit have receipts. Our project management system shows that I completed everything on time and that we had conversations below it. I could only think of one or two instances that he was referring to but they were because he would not give me training so I had to sit on google and figure it out.

He scored me pretty low. I wanted to cry because I have never in my life been forced to believe that I didn't work hard enough.

They said I would not get a raise because Im a work in progress and that I need to take more initiative in my role. They barely defined my role that same exact morning. My role is three jobs rolled into one.

I am looking for better jobs now but wow, I am in this dark place mentally after this performance review. It wasn't even constructive criticism to me. Does working always become this miserable?

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