
My boss has decided to violate company policy and not train me. So, I have decided to no longer care about my job and now my anxiety is doing a lot better.

Im in a new job in a new department at the same company Ive been at for a bit. I used to work directly under the CEO as an assistant. Our CEO, isn’t a complete monster and actually really pushes that it is unacceptable to ask people to do any task they have never done before sans training. She’s not a perfect CEO, but she’s better than majority of the ones out there. She has been remote for a couple of months because her son, who is 12, was in an accident and is now blind. So she has been helping him adjust and obviously things aren’t what they normally are. My boss (a newer external hire) for some unknown and bizarre reason, seems to think the best way to learn is to let people “struggle through learning” as he word for word calls it. He gives little to no…

Im in a new job in a new department at the same company Ive been at for a bit. I used to work directly under the CEO as an assistant. Our CEO, isn’t a complete monster and actually really pushes that it is unacceptable to ask people to do any task they have never done before sans training. She’s not a perfect CEO, but she’s better than majority of the ones out there. She has been remote for a couple of months because her son, who is 12, was in an accident and is now blind. So she has been helping him adjust and obviously things aren’t what they normally are.

My boss (a newer external hire) for some unknown and bizarre reason, seems to think the best way to learn is to let people “struggle through learning” as he word for word calls it. He gives little to no descriptions on tasks and seems confused when people haven’t done things the way he wants. He gets mad when things take too long and throws tirades (duh dude you refuse to let anyone be trained for anything).

I was excited for my new job initially, but I’m literally 1 month in and I freaking don’t care anymore. I am usually a messy ball of anxiety who cares wayyyy to much about everything. Now I literally give zero of anything. I’m not going to kill myself over someone being an idiot and refusing to train people. My mental health is not worth it.

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