
My boss hates me…Bc I work part-time.

And have multiple jobs, so I don't NEED this one. As I'm leaving tonight he remarks how I have it so easy bc I don't have to be there tomorrow (bc I will be at my other job, job 2 of 3)… Sorry owning your own business doesn't bring you happiness, or justify your time with enough money. Definitely not my fucking problem. Funniest part, he never asks why I don't work there full time….answer, bc he's always there, and he's a fucking draining, terrible presence, and I can only tolerate so much of him each week. Attitude really does feedback on itself in life. Incredible how people can go through 7 decades of living and working and still not understand this.

And have multiple jobs, so I don't NEED this one.

As I'm leaving tonight he remarks how I have it so easy bc I don't have to be there tomorrow (bc I will be at my other job, job 2 of 3)…

Sorry owning your own business doesn't bring you happiness, or justify your time with enough money. Definitely not my fucking problem. Funniest part, he never asks why I don't work there full time….answer, bc he's always there, and he's a fucking draining, terrible presence, and I can only tolerate so much of him each week.

Attitude really does feedback on itself in life. Incredible how people can go through 7 decades of living and working and still not understand this.

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