
My boss hired me knowing I had no experience said I’d be trained and didn’t follow through now is upset at me.

I started a new job a few months back. It was meant to be this great opportunity. Its a small company, so I got to speak with the founder and CEO throughout the interview process I'd be working right with them. After I accepted this job I had to hound them down for like… Any information on my start date. Which was a red flag, but I brushed it off. Then, I was promised training. In a few days the person training me just left. Packed their bags and left. No one knew what this person did, how they did it, nothing. I ask for help constantly and they say they don't know. Red flag number two. Turns out this person messed up on some documents, I have to go back years to fix these messed up numbers or no one gets paid. I still don't know what I'm doing.…

I started a new job a few months back. It was meant to be this great opportunity. Its a small company, so I got to speak with the founder and CEO throughout the interview process I'd be working right with them.
After I accepted this job I had to hound them down for like… Any information on my start date. Which was a red flag, but I brushed it off.
Then, I was promised training. In a few days the person training me just left. Packed their bags and left. No one knew what this person did, how they did it, nothing. I ask for help constantly and they say they don't know. Red flag number two.
Turns out this person messed up on some documents, I have to go back years to fix these messed up numbers or no one gets paid. I still don't know what I'm doing. But I get fussed at because it doesn't look right. Told to work late until everything is done. And I'm staying because I have a new kid to take care of and bills.
Then, this week turns out I've been not doing something really important. No one told me about this, because I hadn't been trained. So I'm talking to the boss/CEO they don't know when this thing is due, they're asking me how I didn't know about this when I've been here for months.
And new aspects of this job is being thrown at me without telling me and then I find out in a meeting with no context, no knowing what to do but it needs to get done.
I'm so frustrated… I'm not a bad worker but I feel so incompetent. I have a family to take care of or else I'd have left.
I can't take this much longer.

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