
My boss is a fucking airhead.

First I should say I am the youngest at my job by a lot (close to 25 year gap and my boss being the next youngest at 50 years old) at an independent senior living home. So I apologize if this is long and confusing because I mainly just need to rant. So I clean for the residents here and currently we have a list of residents that failed miserably at their state inspections due to hoarding and today I went to talk to one of those residents about me cleaning. I approached him as calm and nicely as I could as to not offend him because a lot of people only hear “you’re a dirty filthy person who I look down on” when we go to talk to them and that’s never the case as I’m just here to help get the place cleaned so the state doesn’t evict…

First I should say I am the youngest at my job by a lot (close to 25 year gap and my boss being the next youngest at 50 years old) at an independent senior living home.

So I apologize if this is long and confusing because I mainly just need to rant.
So I clean for the residents here and currently we have a list of residents that failed miserably at their state inspections due to hoarding and today I went to talk to one of those residents about me cleaning. I approached him as calm and nicely as I could as to not offend him because a lot of people only hear “you’re a dirty filthy person who I look down on” when we go to talk to them and that’s never the case as I’m just here to help get the place cleaned so the state doesn’t evict them. Well today the guy I went to talk to blew up at me screaming in my face literally calling me stupid so I left and went to talk to my manger. Only for her to not ask what happened, how I approached him, or if I was okay and to straight out, word for word, say “oh it was just how you approached him you need to do it different next time” with a giggle. Like are you fucking kidding me???

No that was not a big incident but after her making mistake after mistake and constantly blaming me and every other worker I about walked out. But I didn’t. One of my coworkers who is 60 said I am being childish for wanting to take mental health days because of the boss pushing me to my edge even though nothing big actually goes wrong and for being upset about this that happened today and I can see where they are coming from but this also is NOT the first and will not be the last incident like this so I’m not really sure what to think.

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