
My boss is going to fire me for “not having a better attitude” after my wife has been bedridden and hospitalized for about 3 months

So here's a fun thing. I have been exhausted because my wife had an emergency hernia surgery that wasn't covered by insurance. She's been recovering afterwards with a drainage tube and so many things that will frankly be a whole other thing. But because of this I've had to take over with my two kids for cleaning, schoolwork, cooking, etc, on top of having to care for my wife and change bandages, empty drainage tubes and we just had Christmas as well. I try to keep busy at work and not let it affect my job. So I don't bring any of it up, I continue to work, but I'm also exhausted from everything else. Which caused me to be somewhat irritable (IE My wife is in the hospital and was about to die and her work refuses to pay for workman's comp or sick leave so we're a bit…

So here's a fun thing. I have been exhausted because my wife had an emergency hernia surgery that wasn't covered by insurance. She's been recovering afterwards with a drainage tube and so many things that will frankly be a whole other thing. But because of this I've had to take over with my two kids for cleaning, schoolwork, cooking, etc, on top of having to care for my wife and change bandages, empty drainage tubes and we just had Christmas as well.

I try to keep busy at work and not let it affect my job. So I don't bring any of it up, I continue to work, but I'm also exhausted from everything else. Which caused me to be somewhat irritable (IE My wife is in the hospital and was about to die and her work refuses to pay for workman's comp or sick leave so we're a bit behind in bills so yes I'm cranky). But after I stayed up all night the at the hospital the when my wife went into surgery I think I dozed off during a lunch break in our office. Now I work IT and sleeping at a desk is a bad thing so one of my sups sent a file to the manager. I told the manager specifically what had happened that day and she called. I emailed and let her know what happened, she had me call her to ensure that it didn't go on record on what we talked about, but I was naive and thought it was going to be ok.

But because she didn't let the rest of my coworkers know it was sent to the employer and today I got a call saying that they were going to let me go. I stopped and said “no, I emailed someone about this and this is being worked out” so they “paused” the process by saying they'll talk to everyone about the situation (even though they overnighted my final check already but said not to cash it). So now if I survive this I'll have to let everyone know what's happening at all times in my life and be as cheerful as a chipmunk while I talk to my coworkers about every small thing if I don't want to lose my job. Because hey, if I don't bring my home drama to work I might come off as “unapproachable” and that's not good for a guy who puts computers together.

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