
My boss is having inappropriate behavior towards me

I don't like what is happening but I believe my boss is harrasing me, not in a sexual manner (i believe not yet), he is all the time around me at work and I don't like it. Like everywhere I go or I am he follows me, I ignore him but the situation didn't change. Also when I am at my work station he comes many times to talk to me and ask personal questions I have said many times I am not gonna answer to it. I try to be kind with my words but I think being kind is not making any difference. Last Friday a college was going to bring me to the bus stop after work and the collègue didn't know where it is the bus stop and he stupidly asked to my boss where it is. (I'm sorry my collègue doesn't know the inappropriate behavior…

I don't like what is happening but I believe my boss is harrasing me, not in a sexual manner (i believe not yet), he is all the time around me at work and I don't like it. Like everywhere I go or I am he follows me, I ignore him but the situation didn't change. Also when I am at my work station he comes many times to talk to me and ask personal questions I have said many times I am not gonna answer to it. I try to be kind with my words but I think being kind is not making any difference.

Last Friday a college was going to bring me to the bus stop after work and the collègue didn't know where it is the bus stop and he stupidly asked to my boss where it is. (I'm sorry my collègue doesn't know the inappropriate behavior from my boss)

The boss quickly offered to bring me but I responded to him with a negative answer. Then the boss said that my collègue and me we can follow his car because he knows where is the bus stop so my collègue did that.

My colleague dropped me at the bus stop and like 20 min after my boss was slowly passing by on his car, he was looking at me and I saw him but ignored him. Then 3 min later and out of nothing he showed himself there next to me at the bus stop and he started to check the horary board of the busses. I said nothing to him, just ignored him. Then he said that he can bring me where I want, that he just dropped his wife idk where and that he was going to do shopping and after I heard that I exclaimed: and what are you doing hereee??!! Then he just said that he is leaving.

I feel very uncomfortable and I don't know what to do. Please can someone guide me in what should I do for stop this situation, I feel scared and helpless.

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