
My boss is having me write an essay with details of my minute by minute workday to prove I’m working hard.

If you saw my last post on this subreddit, you know my boss is an asshat. He recently started to question my workload and the workload of my coworkers because we are all stressed and burnt out. He tried framing this assignment as him trying to help us to see if he can help us better time manage things, but we've gone to him with requests and feeback before and keep getting told “You just have to work harder, that's what I do.” I had to block of my entire calendar to do this task today but I am going to write the most obnoxious and highly detailed essay just to piss him off. In grad school, I was notorious for overwriting and taking my time to “get to the point.” Who knew that fun little skill would come in handy today. To answer the two popular questions: 1. No,…

If you saw my last post on this subreddit, you know my boss is an asshat.

He recently started to question my workload and the workload of my coworkers because we are all stressed and burnt out. He tried framing this assignment as him trying to help us to see if he can help us better time manage things, but we've gone to him with requests and feeback before and keep getting told “You just have to work harder, that's what I do.”

I had to block of my entire calendar to do this task today but I am going to write the most obnoxious and highly detailed essay just to piss him off.

In grad school, I was notorious for overwriting and taking my time to “get to the point.” Who knew that fun little skill would come in handy today.

To answer the two popular questions:
1. No, I can't quit on the spot because I can't afford it.
2. Yes, I am looking for other jobs/actively applying.

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