
My boss is ignoring me because

I outright refused to use Time Doctor. Yep, really. For those that don't know, Time Doctor is a Canadian software which is essentially spyware. Time Doctor gives your boss/managers the ability to take photos of you without your knowledge from your webcam, track your mouse movements, track every single website and app you use and take screenshots of your screen without knowledge every 10 minutes. I've been working for this company now freelance for 4 years. I use my personal laptop to work. It was a firm and categoric hard no. He insisted I had to use it – saying everyone on the team is using it and is mandatory. Yeah. NO way. I stood my ground and refused. I offered to submit my hours manually into Time Doctor so he can keep track. I also offered to use alternative websites that don't track your every movement. He never responded.…

I outright refused to use Time Doctor. Yep, really.

For those that don't know, Time Doctor is a Canadian software which is essentially spyware.

Time Doctor gives your boss/managers the ability to take photos of you without your knowledge from your webcam, track your mouse movements, track every single website and app you use and take screenshots of your screen without knowledge every 10 minutes.

I've been working for this company now freelance for 4 years. I use my personal laptop to work. It was a firm and categoric hard no. He insisted I had to use it – saying everyone on the team is using it and is mandatory. Yeah. NO way. I stood my ground and refused.

I offered to submit my hours manually into Time Doctor so he can keep track. I also offered to use alternative websites that don't track your every movement.

He never responded. That was days ago.

I've seen asked him a question regarding a work task I am currently working on and he's ignored me. Which is completely unprofessional and somewhat laughable. This guy is a CEO and business owner.

This is my personal laptop I do private banking on, private messages, private emails and it's mine. Hell I could be watching porn and he'll see all my searches. There's no way in hell I am giving that kind of access to essentially view me from my webcam whenever he wants and track which websites I visit.

I just had to vent here as I'm still astounded he has even suggested using this software after I've worked there for 4 years.

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