
My boss is obsessed with me

Okay, maybe not as dramatic as it sounds, but my boss decides how she’s going to treat me for the day based on how I greet her in the mornings. If I say something simple like, “hey, good morning”, she’s asking me if I’m okay, what’s going on with me, and automatically bombards me with tasks to do……, but if I’m like “hey! Good morning”, with a little more pep, I notice her attitude towards me changes. She won’t give me any tasks until about 11am and she just has an overall better frame of mind. It’s SO weird and honestly makes me want to quit based on that alone. Like, why is this so personal for her? I understand I’m trying to make sense of something that has nothing to do with me, this is very clearly a problem SHE has, but I find myself faking my interactions with…

Okay, maybe not as dramatic as it sounds, but my boss decides how she’s going to treat me for the day based on how I greet her in the mornings. If I say something simple like, “hey, good morning”, she’s asking me if I’m okay, what’s going on with me, and automatically bombards me with tasks to do……, but if I’m like “hey! Good morning”, with a little more pep, I notice her attitude towards me changes. She won’t give me any tasks until about 11am and she just has an overall better frame of mind. It’s SO weird and honestly makes me want to quit based on that alone. Like, why is this so personal for her? I understand I’m trying to make sense of something that has nothing to do with me, this is very clearly a problem SHE has, but I find myself faking my interactions with her because she is acting crazy!!!! Why do I have to put on a front for her?

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