
My boss is threatening to take me to HR because I didn’t text him while on a leave of absence for my mental health

I returned to work today after a 30 day personal leave. TL;DR I was having a mental health crisis and asked to take leave to get some help. A week before I returned I had a meeting with HR to confirm my return date, HR checked in to see if I needed any resources, and I apologized as I felt I needed to take some accountability for the way I left. My boss was supposed to be present for this meeting but he never showed, so HR assured me they would relay the details to him. 2 days later my boss is texting me wanting me to go over my return to work plans. I ignored this text as a) I was meant to return to work in 3 days b) I already had this conversation with HR (who is in charge of my leave) and was sure HR already…

I returned to work today after a 30 day personal leave. TL;DR I was having a mental health crisis and asked to take leave to get some help. A week before I returned I had a meeting with HR to confirm my return date, HR checked in to see if I needed any resources, and I apologized as I felt I needed to take some accountability for the way I left. My boss was supposed to be present for this meeting but he never showed, so HR assured me they would relay the details to him. 2 days later my boss is texting me wanting me to go over my return to work plans. I ignored this text as a) I was meant to return to work in 3 days b) I already had this conversation with HR (who is in charge of my leave) and was sure HR already filled him in and c) my boss had texted/called me MULTIPLE times during my leave of absence. I wanted the last few days to mentally prep.
So today: he pulls me in to the office and berates me for not ‘taking care of myself’ since he’s tried to be patient as I’ve been struggling with this for a while. He laid in to me about not answering any of his texts. I tried to explain that I was in crisis and I didn’t think I needed to re-explain my return plans when HR had done that for me. His response was ‘why would I trust he?’
He told me that he would never just disappear from work, so why did I think it was okay? And that I was jeopardizing his job. I don’t know how being on a personal leave jeopardized his job and when I asked him to elaborate, he deflected and started talking negatively about my work performance.
I stopped engaging with him and he threatened me with HR before dismissing me. I’ve watched this man terrorize a coworker until he ‘found’ a reason to fire her and now I’m scared im next, about to be fired over nothing.

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