
My Boss is trying to make me quit by cutting my hours

My boss is cutting my hours for these two reasons: 1. Because I won’t let him change my availability to 11:00PM-6:00AM( It is currently 11:00PM-5:00AM) 2. In retaliation to me contacting my union representative in response to cutting my hours My boss also retaliated against me by harassing me all throughout time that I was working until left. Making it a hostile work environment. I am trying to get eeoc involved and I hope I have case.

My boss is cutting my hours for these two reasons:
1. Because I won’t let him change my availability to 11:00PM-6:00AM( It is currently 11:00PM-5:00AM)
2. In retaliation to me contacting my union representative in response to cutting my hours

My boss also retaliated against me by harassing me all throughout time that I was working until left. Making it a hostile work environment. I am trying to get eeoc involved and I hope I have case.

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