
My boss just made all of us take the 16 personalities test for “team building”

My boss just had all of the office workers take the 16 personalities test and email him the results privately for “team building”. I have severe generalized anxiety that I am currently taking medication for but it has dramatically impacted my test answers. A coworker has made a bet that they will be using this to fire people, if they do I know my scores wont look good. What could they be using this info for? Can they really fire someone over a personality test? If I something were to happen, what are my rights? I also posted this in r/careerguidance but I haven't had luck getting answers there in past posts. I figured you guy's more skeptical minds might help me more.

My boss just had all of the office workers take the 16 personalities test and email him the results privately for “team building”. I have severe generalized anxiety that I am currently taking medication for but it has dramatically impacted my test answers. A coworker has made a bet that they will be using this to fire people, if they do I know my scores wont look good. What could they be using this info for? Can they really fire someone over a personality test? If I something were to happen, what are my rights? I also posted this in r/careerguidance but I haven't had luck getting answers there in past posts. I figured you guy's more skeptical minds might help me more.

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