
My boss just told me that me having to leave my ex and move out unexpectedly did not constitute as an emergency.

On Wednesday I found out some disgusting stuff was going on with my then boyfriend and my family helped me pack my stuff and move out of our shared apartment while he was at work that night. I told my boss that day at around 6pm that I would need a few days off bc I was going through something personal. I texted him saying that and then he called me. I answered the phone while bawling my eyes out and he asked me what was going on and I said I didn't want to talk about it. He tried to pressure me into coming to work but I said there would be no way I'd be able to until at least Monday. The night I packed everything up I was awake for 32 hours straight. I'm not gonna go into all the other details but basically I was a…

On Wednesday I found out some disgusting stuff was going on with my then boyfriend and my family helped me pack my stuff and move out of our shared apartment while he was at work that night. I told my boss that day at around 6pm that I would need a few days off bc I was going through something personal.

I texted him saying that and then he called me. I answered the phone while bawling my eyes out and he asked me what was going on and I said I didn't want to talk about it. He tried to pressure me into coming to work but I said there would be no way I'd be able to until at least Monday.

The night I packed everything up I was awake for 32 hours straight. I'm not gonna go into all the other details but basically I was a mess for days and didn't even know where my work clothes were bc of having to pack everything in a rush.

Friday night he texted me saying that he couldn't find coverage for me on Saturday and that I needed to come in. He said he had somewhere he had to be so he couldn't cover me. I told him that I was extremely sorry but there was no way I'd be able to come in.

Well, today it's Monday and he had a discussion with me about my attendance. As soon as I came in this morning he asked what was going on. I once again said I really did not wanna talk about it. I was already getting teary eyed.

I told him I was under the impression that I had sick time saved up (which I did) and that I did not have to share any personal information like this with him. He said without knowing the reason I was gone he wouldn't know how to handle this and that he needed to know why a model employee stopped showing up to work. I told him I had to move. He asked if I lost my place. I said no and that I didn't wanna talk about it. He asked, “Couldn't you have planned your move?” I told him no. I felt very pressured to give more information so I told him I had to pack up my things and leave so maybe he would understand.

He told me no matter what I'm going through that the work still has to get done and that I should have been there. He said since it wasn't medical related that I technically had no reason to not show up. At this point I was crying quite a bit.

He made it a point that he had to cancel his plans to come in and cover for me on Saturday. I told him I was extremely sorry and that I didn't want to have to make him do that. He just kept saying “I understand”.

He had some papers that he said he needed me to sign. I was such a mess at this point that I just signed them. After I composed myself a bit more I asked him for copies of the papers. He gave them to me and said that it was a leave slip and a leave review.

Upon looking at the copies I noticed he gave me leave without pay for my 3 days off rather than sick leave. I have only ever called in when I had covid last year and one time when I physically could not make it to work due to a horrible snowstorm. He even made me come in the day that I had to put my cat to sleep about a month ago.

He says that I should have given him more notice. I told him as soon as I possibly could and it's the fucking truth. I tried to not speak to him unless I had to for the rest of the morning.

This afternoon he said sorry if there was any miscommunication with our conversation this morning and that any time a person takes leave it has to be scheduled and that for emergencies we can “see what we can do”. I told him it was an emergency. I was about to cry again. He said “Moving was an emergency?” And I said yes and that I did not want to go into details. He said he didn't want to either (probably bc he didn't want me to cry again). He was silent for a moment and then said, “Well it really depends on what constitutes as an emergency and I hope this doesn't happen again.” I nodded and said no more.

I'm about to call my union. Idk what they can do but this whole thing just feels fucking wrong.

Tldr; my boss pressured me to tell him why I called in for personal reasons and then told me I was wrong to call in since he didn't see it as an emergency even though it was.

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