
My boss just told me today at Sunday 10 PM that he wants me to work through the end of year

Not even 1 day for me to think about it. Basically “you work through your vacation or you're fired”. Im not even needed, the end of year is super slow (Its a fucking martial arts gym) and everything I need to do I can do from home, when I sugested that he said “I can do that myself”. So do it bitch, im out fuck this. Whole year working and studying without breaks, im tired of this shit

Not even 1 day for me to think about it. Basically “you work through your vacation or you're fired”. Im not even needed, the end of year is super slow (Its a fucking martial arts gym) and everything I need to do I can do from home, when I sugested that he said “I can do that myself”. So do it bitch, im out fuck this. Whole year working and studying without breaks, im tired of this shit

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